Corso Construction Privacy Policy
At Corso Construction, we realize that interacting with a website requires trust. We value our website visitors and are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that all of your data is kept confidential. If you contact us via our website, your information (such as your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, etc.) will be stored in our company database. This data is used only for its intended purpose, to contact you and give you more information. Our company will never rent, sell, or trade your information.
Corso Construction makes limited use of cookies to gather information when you visit our website or when you click through from a partner site or link. A cookie is a small data file that stores information on your computer’s hard drive and it may contain personal data that can be used to track the sites you’ve visited. We use cookies to improve our site and also use third-party services including Google Analytics for this purpose.
Our policy states that you must be at least 18 years old to use this site. Corso Construction does not knowingly collect, disclose, or use personally identifiable information about visitors under 18 years of age. If you are the parent or guardian of a minor, and believe that they have disclosed personally identifiable information to us, please contact us so that we can remove this information.
This Privacy Policy was last updated on October 1, 2020. We may add, modify, or remove portions of this policy at any time and any changes will become effective immediately upon being posted.